week 10 ready for submission

Week 10 assessment submission check list

1. 3D printing file

2. Laser cutting file

Orienting and placing all the components onto xy plane

Creating drawing and exporting pdf file

Downloading template and throwing the pdf file in

Following the instructions, setting cutting properties

Done and ready to cut!!!

3. Best Images

4. 100 words statement

multiple selections of modelling

Roman emperor once said: “all roads lead to Roma” to indicate the fact that there are always more than one approaches to the same result. The same concept is able to apply into our built environment industry. While we are communicating with peers using modelling, we also have the opportunity to select from dozens of different options in order to represent the specific idea. Within my process of model making, I have tried different combinations involving different sets of variables such as physical material, methods of assembling, size/ratio, in order to investigate the essential key features of each type of selection, hence to best fit the required purpose of the particular model


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